This website is my attempt to document, in one location, various STEM concepts I hope to incorporate in a Maker space some day. It contains tutorials and links to resources useful for learning STEM, with a focus on Raspberry Pi (and other Linux distros), Scratch, Python, javascript, and circuits. It is meant to be a reference tool and not a step-by-step guide. If you are interested in STEM and Linux, and want to learn more in those areas, then hopefully the information here will be useful.
My background is in engineering. I worked in semiconductor manufacturing and the computer science classes I took in college proved to be the most useful in my career. Those experiences grew an interest I’ve always had in STEM. I have learned a lot in the process and enjoy sharing that info with others. A large portion of the material on the site come from key resources I’ve learned from including wiki, stackexchange, w3schools, freecodecamp, etc. Where relevant I reference and link to their web sites.