Intro to JavaScript
JavaScript is used in web projects and NodeRed functions. It is a scripting language and there are two methods for executing it.
- Web browser. Many web sites include javascript so all modern browsers can run it.
- Or you can run it outside of a browser by installing nodejs. Node.js is a run-time environment for javascript on the server side.
A big advantage that javascript provides (vs PHP) is asynchronous coding (async function query_api()). While waiting for results from the API other actions can take place.
OOP is wrapping variables and functions in objects. js is a prototype based OOP which means it technically does not have classes. But modern js syntax introduced classes as a syntactic sugar to mimic classes from other programming languages. But at its core it’s prototype based inheritance.
- Classes have to be specified in specific order. js can not use the class until it is defined in the code.
- Encapsulation - the bundling of data and the methods that act on that data in objects. Access to that data from outside can be restricted.
- Constructor is a special method on js class. When called later using the new keyword, constructor will create one new blank js object and assign it properties and values based on the blueprint inside. It will run once we instantiate the class using the new keyword.
- Objects in js are reference data types which means that unlike primitive data types they are dynamic.
- Inheritance - if property/method is not found in the child it will look in the parent
- Instantiation - create the object. return the handler.
- Initialization (constructor) - set the initial/default values.
w3schools is a good reference site for syntax
- Older method -> var
- ES6 added let and const
- Better method -> Use const, otherwise if variable changes use let.
- Best practice is to minimize the variable’s scope.
- let
- Variables defined with let cannot be re-declared. With var you can redeclare
- Variables defined with let must be declared before use.
- Variables defined with let have block scope.
- Scope - Before ES6 (2015), js only had global scope and function scope.
- let and const introduced block scope.
- Variables declared inside a { } block cannot be accessed from outside the block
Use typeof to check for undefined