Intro to attiny85


The attiny85 is useful for simple circuit projects when low power is necessary (< 0.1W). ​ It has 6 programmable I/O pins (40mA) along with SPI and I2C. The four pins can be used as digital I/O, 10-bit ADC, or PWM.

Arduino can be used for programming (C++). I had problems connecting with my Linux PC and had to use a Windows 10 PC. The digispark website has trouble shooting steps for Linux.

Attiny85 Types

Types of attiny 85

  1. Built-in USB interface
  2. Built-in micro-USB interface
  3. Smallest is the 8 pin interface that will require extra steps/hardware (development board) for programming. I have only worked with the built-in USB/microUSB versions of attiny85. Once drivers are loaded and some quirks figured out it was fairly simple to program with Arduino.

There is no built-in wifi. This is more for projects where you program it and then let it run its instructions.
Build-in USB Version, Micro USB Version, Bare attiny85, and Development board for bare attiny85

Windows10 Setup

Install Arduino

  • Install Arduino
  • Likely will need to install digistump drivers DPInst64 is for 64bit systems. In Arduino
  • Go to File/Preferences and Additional Boards Manager URL. Add/paste the digistump json package in the fields
  • (if you had other packages they can be separated with a comma)
  • Go to Tools/Board/Boards Manager and install the Digistump AVR Boards
  • Now go to Tools and select the Digispark Default 16.5mhz board​ (You do not need to worry about selecting the port)


​If your PC has problems seeing the USB attiny85 follow this guide from Brainy-Bits

  • Go to device manager
  • Select ‘View’, then ‘show hidden devices’
  • Find the digispark attiny (mine showed as different labels at different points)
  • Right click and manually install the previously downloaded driver
  • In my case it didn’t appear to change anything, but when I went back to Arduino and tried to connect it updated and connected successfully.

Programming attiny85

The attiny85 is not programmed like a typical Arduino board.

  • Select the blink example (Files/Examples/Basic/Blink)
  • Change the LED_BUILTIN to 1 (internal LED is connected to pin 1)
  • Click Upload
  • It will show a message giving you 60sec to connect the attiny85.
  • Now plug the attiny85 into the USB.
  • The program should upload and start executing.


// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() {
  // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.
  pinMode(1, OUTPUT);

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(1, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)           delay(1000); // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(1, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW   delay(1000); // wait for a second